
OVAC 275 2003


My Rankings (Before OVAC)

Rank Last Name First Name School Grade OVAC 2002 OVAC 2001 OVAC 2000
1 Davia Koel UL 11th 5th 275 8th 275  
2 Carothers Tony HC 12th 2nd 275 6th 275 6th 275
3 Duvall Matt Bell 12th 4th 275    
4 Fegal Andy Weir 11th      
5 Neuenschwander Scott St.C 11th      
6 McGilian Patrick OG 12th   8th 215  
7 Price Michael Camb 12th 7th 275 2nd 275  
8 Badgley Stephen EL 10th      
9 Haslam Wesley River 10th      
10 Shawke Blake BvL 11th      
11 Manning C.J. Cam 11th      
12 Staub Kevin WP 10th      
13 Ebbert Corey JM 10th      

OVAC Seeds

Seed Wrestler School Grade Record
1 Koel Davia Union Local 11th 22-1
2 Tony Carothers Harrison Central 12th 20-0
3 Matt Duvall Bellaire 12th 23-2
4 Michael Price Cambridge 12th 5-1
5 Scott Neuenschwander St. Clairsville 11th 16-5
6 Patrick McGillian Oak Glen 12th 17-2
7 Wesley Haslam River 10th 14-6
8 Andy Fegal Weirton 11th 24-4

OVAC Place finishers 2003

Place Wrestler Year School Record
1st Koel Davia 11th Union Local 27- 1
2nd Michael Price 12th Cambridge 9- 2
3rd Tony Carothers 12th Harrison Central 25- 1
4th Wesley Haslam 10th River 19- 8
5th Matt Duvall 12th Bellaire 27- 4
6th Eric Wagner 11th Buckeye Local 17- 12
7th Scott Neuenschwander 11th St. Clairsville 20- 7
8th Patrick McGillian 12th Oak Glen 20- 5


    This was quite an enjoyable group of heavyweights. I started my year out with the Ohio returning State Champion Koel Davia, Union Local. He started out a little slow I guess you could say? It is a very tough responsibility to put a state title on a sophomores shoulders. Then everyone thinks his Junior year he should just breeze through and pin everyone, guess again! What I seen was koel's eyes his Sophomore year at districts. I then could see he had what it took in the inside. The tools outside are their and so is the knowledge, but I seen the drive, so that is why he was my early favorite. I also loved the big man from Cambridge, Michael Price, but the weight problems held him back on my list. He had one of the best, if not the best heavyweight coaches in the state (Tom "The Tank" Moore). Then their was Tony Carothers, Harrison Central, a mound of a man. He was very explosive and agile for a big man. The big match just always seemed to slip past him though! Matt Duvall, Bellaire was always close to those 3 but just could not get the win in the big tournament. Wesley Haslam, River was a nice surprise at the OVAC Tournament, he seems to be leading the charge of underclassman for next year. Scott Neuenschwander St. Clairsville needs to gain some more muscle weight and with his fluid moves should be near the top next year. We should also keep an eye out for Eric Wagner Buckeye Local which had a breakout OVAC Tournament.

    Looking at next year, the big question will be!!!! Will Hoppel stay at 215 or will he make the move to heavyweight. The only reason I see Adam Hoppel moving up would be because of football. If he does move up it will shake things up that is for sure!


    Also in this weight class you had 10 State Qualifiers, 1 State Champion, and 4 more  State Placers: Koel Davia, Belmont Union Local, (11), Tony Carothers, Cadiz Harrison Central, (12), Michael Price, Cambridge, (12), Scott Neuenschwander, St. Clairsville, (11), C.J. Manning Cameron, (11), Patrick McGillian, Oak Glen, (12), Luke Shephard Tyler Consoildated, (12), Andy Fegal, Weir, (11), Derrick Molnar, Brooke, (11), Corey Ebbert John Marshall, (10).

Welcome to OVAeC Wrestling

(Ohio Valley Athletic ex Coach) The purpose of this web site is to promote O.V.A.C. wrestling and the individuals that make it all possible. I don't proclaim to know everything about the
O.V.A.C.'s or wrestling, but I have coached in the O.V.A.C.'s for the past 8 years so I do have some knowledge of the sport, coaches and the wrestlers(2002).