33rd Hoppel Round Scoring
Hoppel 10 man pools
Saturday, December 18th, the 33rd annual
Everett Hoppel Memorial Wrestling Tournament will be held at Beaver Local High
School. The Hoppel family name is closely connected to the sport of wrestling
when mentioned anywhere in the State of Ohio. The family has many wrestling
accolades including state championships during all of their illustrious
wrestling careers. The family holds this event each year to remember their late
father Everett Hoppel. The Hoppel family are avid supporters of wrestling in and
around the Tri-State area but their contributions go far beyond the mats. They
have been involved in many community activities for over 70 years. Their work
ethic, spirit, athletic ability, and dedication to their community have made a
long lasting impact to numerous people in many different ways.
This year's tournament will have local ties with host Beaver Local, East
Liverpool, Wellsville, and Edison participating. The tournament also features
Brooke, Ridgewood, Minerva, Holy Name (Cleveland), Massillon Washington, Green,
and Trinity Catholic (FLA.) The action will feature numerous decorated
wrestlers. Two members of the Hoppel family will be competing. Senior Quincy
Hoppel will represent Trinity Catholic at 145 and enters with a 10-0 record.
Freshman Harrison Hoppel will compete for Minerva at 171 pounds. Other wrestlers
who will compete are 2009 State Qualifier and 2009 Hoppel Runner Up Johnny
McComas who will represent Beaver Local at 125. Beaver Local also has two Hoppel
runners up from 2009 in Steven Swartz at 145 and Jeremy Reese at 140. Massillon
will enter with district placer Ivan McClay at 119 who sports and 11-0 record
currently. Green features District Qualifier Joe Ferrell at 189. Minerva has
several state qualifiers with Nathan Smith, Scott Boyce, and 6th place finisher
Micah Kullman leading the team. East Liverpool brings in two Hoppel runners up
from last year in Mike Mercer and Frank Williams.
Action gets underway at 10 am. The tournament has a morning and a afternoon
session. Each session costs $6. All day passes are available for $10. The
Championship matches will begin at approximately 6:30 following the Parade of
The teams are
Beaver Local
East Liverpool
Massillon Washington
Holy Name
Trinity Catholic (FLA)