OVAC 31 MAC 26
Click above for photos.
Banquet Picture:

Match Picture

Click above to enlarge.
112 Victor Lipari
Chartiers Houston MD Chris Tingler Steubenville
112 Devin Mazik Indian Creek d Grant McCarty Chartiers
Houston 9-2
119 Preston Foster East Liverpool MD Shane Unen
Hopewell 17-6
125 Arizona Miller Beaver Local d Dan Brunl West
Allegheny 5-3
(Miller with a takedown in the
last 10 seconds)
130 Seth Callarik St. Clairsville
d Ken Scott West
Allegheny 6-2
135 Art Hobley Steubenville Fall Mitchell Kirkwood
Laurel 3:08
140 Tyler Green Parkersburg
South d Shawn King Laurel 6-5
145 Joel Paolo Oak Glen d Ryan Carson Hopewell 6-5
152 Matt Hundenski
Hopewell d Kurtis Jefferis Barnesville
160 Troy Reaghard West
Allegheny MD Kody Crooks Barnesville 10-1
171 Tyler Wilps
Chartiers Valley d Mike Netwick Beaver Local 3-2
189 Jake Henderson Beaver Local Fall Austin Woosley
Hopewell 3:10
215 Brandon Fedorko
Hopewell Fall Rylan Pyciak Buckeye Local 4:08
285 Pat Malcomb South Side Fall Zach Kimmins Wheeling
OVAC MVP Preston Foster
East Liverpool
MAC MVP Matt Hundenski Hopewell
"The Mini Clash"
50 Logan Ours Wellsville
Fall Ethan Wolfe Ambridge
50 Howard Williams East
Liverpool Fall Connor Redinger Hopewell
75 JaShon Hubbard
Steubenville MD Danny Luketic South Side Beaver 13-5
95 Dustin Martsolf South Side Beaver d Tariq
Wilson Steubenville 7-0
105 Luke Fogle
Steubenville Fall Cody Hample South Side Beaver
“The Clash” OVAC vs MAC All-Star Match
MARCH 15, 2010 Weigh-Ins @ 5:30 before
MARCH 15, 2010 Dinner @ Undo’s in Weirton 6:00
MARCH 16, 2010 “The Clash” OVAC vs MAC All-Star Match @ Steubenville High School
start time 7:00
Match Ups:
112 Chris Tingler Steubenville vs Grant McCarty
Chartiers Houston
112 Devin Mazik Indian Creek vs Victor Lipari
Chartiers Houston
119 Preston Foster East Liverpool vs Shane Unen
125 Arizona Miller Beaver Local vs Dan Brunl West
130 Seth Callarik St. Clairsville vs Ken Scott West
135 Art Hobley Steubenville vs Mitchell Kirkwood
140 Tyler Green Parkersburg
South vs Shawn King Laurel
145 Joel Paolo Oak Glen vs Ryan Carson Hopewell
152 Kurtis Jefferis Barnesville vs Matt Hundenski
160 Kody Crooks Barnesville vs Troy Reaghard West
171 Mike Netwick Beaver Local vs Tyler Wilps
Chartiers Valley
189 Jake Henderson Beaver Local vs Austin Woosley
215 Rylan Pyciak Buckeye Local vs Brandon Fedorko
285 Zach Kimmins Wheeling
Park vs Pat Malcomb South Side
OVAC Bios:
Devin Mazik Indian Creek
Senior record 30 – 6
Career record 85 – 60
OVAC placing 7th, 8th, 4th
GPA 3.0
Chris Tingler Steubenville
Senior record 27 - 9
Career record 92 - 47
OVAC placing 7th 2008, 5th 2009, 7th 2010
State qualifier alternate
Career plans Attend Pittsburgh Technical Institute
GPA 3.0
Preston Foster East Liverpool
Senior record 35-4
Career record 134-33
OVAC 1st
State Alternate 2009
Career plans attend a 4 year college with a major in education
Arizona Miller Beaver Local
Senior record 43 – 10
Career record 154-31
OVAC placing 2x champ, 2x runner up
State qualifier 4x qualifier
State placing 6th 2009 4th 2010
Seth Callarik St. Clairsville
Senior record 43-3
Career record 135-30
OVAC placing 2x champ 2x 7th place
State qualifying 2x qualifier, 2x sectional champ, district champ
State placing 4th 2010
Career plans attend a 4 year college with and wrestle with plans to major in
Art Hobley Steubenville
Senior record 36 – 4
Career record 81-28
OVAC placing champ 2010 7th 2009
State qualifier 2009 2010
Career plans attend a 4 year college with a major in criminal justice
Tyler Green Parkersburg South
Senior record 46 – 3
Career record 153 – 27
OVAC placing champ 2010
State qualifier 4x qualifier
State placing 2x champ 2009-10, 2x 2nd 2007-08
Career plans has accepted a scholarship to wrestle at Cleveland State has been
into their school Science with a major in pre-dentistry
GPA 3.7
Joel Paolo Oak Glen
Senior record 26 – 1
Career record 134 – 25
OVAC placing champ 2010, 2nd 2009, 4th 2008, 3rd 2007
State qualifier 3x regional champ
State placing champ 2010, 2nd 2009, 5th 2008, 5th 2007
Career plans Attend Pitt at Johnstown or Ashland College. Has been accepted by
in their chemistry programs with am major in veterinarian or physician’s
Kurtis Jefferis Barnesville
Senior record 32 – 4
Career record 135 – 31
OVAC placing 2x champ
State qualifier 3x qualifier
State placing 2nd 2010
Career plans undecided at this time
Kody Crooks Barnesville
Senior record 30 – 4
Career record 110 – 50
OVAC placing champ 2010 8th 2009
State qualifier 2010 district champ
Career plans attend college with a major in nursing
Mike Nentwick Beaver Local
Senior record 39 – 9
Career record 100 – 40
OVAC placing 3rd 2010
State qualifier 2010
Career plans Attend Kent Sate University with a major in computer science &
GPA 3.2
Jake Henderson Beaver Local
Senior record 47 – 5
Career record 107 – 29
OVAC placing champ 2010, 4th 2009
State qualifier 2x qualifier
Career plans attend 4 year college with a major in computer technology
GPA 2.7
Rylan Pyciak Buckeye Local
Senior record 39 – 4
Career records 102- -40
OVAC placing champ 2010 5th 2009
State qualifier 2010
Career plans attend a 4 year college or university with a major in engineering
Zach Kimmins Wheeling Park
Senior record 34 - 8
Career record 60 – 26
OVAC placing 2nd 2010
State qualifier 2x qualifier, regional I champ 2010
State placing 2nd 2010 3rd 2009
Career plans undecided
MAC Bios:

Gene Monteleone
Wheeling Park High School
Wheeling, WV 26003
Dear Wrestler,
Congratulations! You have been
selected by the OVAC Wrestling committee to participate in the “Clash of
Champions”. On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, the OVAC All-Star Team will wrestle the
Mac, PA, All-Star Team at 7:00 at Steubenville High School. You have been
selected to wrestle at ___________ and you will receive a ten (10) pound
allowance. You MUST make weight!!!
Weigh-ins will be held before
our dinner on Monday, March 15, 2010 at Undo’s in Weirton located
along Three-springs Drive..
You and the other 13 wrestlers and coaches
will not be charges for dinner. Parents, guests and officials will be charged
$15.00 for this meal. Parents please send a check to Gene Monteleone made
payable to the OVAC for the cost of each reservation.
Practice is tentatively set
to be held at Wheeling Park High School and you will be notified of the dates
and times. You are greatly urged to attend! Uniforms will be distributed then.
Please fill out the biography
and send or email it to me:
Gene Monteleone
Wheeling Park High
1976 Park View Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
MARCH 8, 2010
2010 WEIGH-Ins @ 5:30 before dinner
2010 Dinner at 6:00 at Undo’s in Weirton
MARCH 16, 2010 “The Clash” OVAC vs MAC All-Star Match at
7:00 at Steubenville
High School
Please respond as soon as
possible as we need to circulate our line-up to area colleges and media for the
program and get a proper number of reservations for dinner.
Good luck with the rest of the season. I
look forward to hearing from you.
Gene Monteleone
OVAC All-Star Coordinator